What happens at your appointment:
- get a GP referral
- Call us to make an appointment
- Depending on the urgency, we can try to accommodate you for an early appointment
- if you send us an email, we will try to respond by 48 hours
Adrenal Surgery
Compared to many other operations, adrenalectomy (removal of a diseased adrenal gland), is an uncommon procedure. The adrenal glands are situated deep in your body and closely associated with major blood vessels. Therefore, having substantial experience with adrenal surgery is critical to optimise safety and oncologic outcomes.
The adrenal glands are small but very important hormone secreting glands situated deep in the retroperitoneum (behind the intestines). The glands are surrounded on all sides by other organs or major blood vessels. This location makes surgery on these glands challenging.
How is the surgery done?

Adrenalectomy can be performed by both open and endoscopic (keyhole surgery) approaches.
Dr Yew has a special interest in minimally invasive endoscopic adrenalectomy. Dr Yew was the first surgeon in Perth to perform a revolutionary new technique of adrenalectomy that is quicker, safer and more painless for patients than traditional laparoscopic adrenalectomy. This technique, pioneered by Professor Walz (Germany), is becoming the preferred technique for adrenalectomy globally. Dr Yew has been invited by fellow adrenal surgeons in Perth and Melbourne to demonstrate the technique. He is pleased to offer this cutting edge service to patients requiring adrenal surgery.
What are the risks?
As with any operation, there is a small risk of bleeding and infection. Sometimes, the procedure cannot safely be performed via keyhole surgery and the more traditional open approach is necessary.
What to expect after surgery?
Most patients stay overnight in hospital after adrenalectomy. The surgery is usually not painful and simple analgesics are advised for the first week as necessary. Some temporary swelling and numbness at and around the wound can occur.
You must refrain from exercise and strenuous activity for 3 weeks after surgery. If you are unsure when to return for review with Dr. Yew, please call the office to schedule an appointment.